Jun 23, 2010

owning a boat is work

The boat is now back from the brothers house. After sitting for 7 mounths the outdrive tilt pump does not work. this will have to be taken care of before the boat can go anywhere

May 8, 2010

stripers and shad

The stripers will be here some time within the next couple weeks.If the weather remains this warm and stable the stripers will run in the merrimack. Shad fishing is happening now,maybe I will be able to catch one.

spring is getting away

The season has been very warm the concord river is providing fast action. I missed 5 pike last sunday ,but managed to at least catch a pickerel. The week before

I was at the nashua river shore fishing and caught

fish on a float and fly.

Apr 5, 2010

easter day

all rivers are flooded. the concord is still flooding lowell road the assabet is not bad where I fish above the dam on RTE 62. today it was crappies.

Feb 19, 2010

Cold, but nice in the House

Lake Quinsigamond

Wind was brisk but warm in the Ice house that I made.

Easy set-up and I thought of some thing that will improve

the function. only 1 tip-up ,no fish.

Jan 18, 2010

nice day

The fishing was slow , but the weather was nice.
So it was pleasant standing outside,
still better than work.

nice day

The weather was better than the fishing.

nice day

nice day

Jan 16, 2010

Time for the fishing shows

This is the start of the new year.
get out of the house go to the shows.
salem nh had a show last weekend.
the show in worchester is much bigger.

Jan 3, 2010

2010 Fishing

this is 2010
january 2nd , harold parker
2 bass in a snow storm with one
over 2-1/2 lbs